Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fixated on a new look

Munchkin in bedroom colors

Moving makes my creative juices flow! I have been scouring blogs, magazines, and websites to find my new look. Slight problem, my diamond taste has met by my coal budget. Solution, a few D.I.Y projects and shopping in my own apartment. I'm feeling a cottage bedroom in my future in cool colors of teal, white, sand, brown, and silver and apparently a cat that matches.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New location

It's settled, I'm moving to Wisconsin! I just accepted a new position and I'm moving across a few state lines in a month. Exciting? Yes! Stressful? Yes! I'm extremely excited about the new position, but the move is stressing me out. I have never moved to a new location without being able to check out apartments.  It's been almost 4 years since I furnished an apartment and cooked for of the perks of my last position. This is the start of the process.......