Friday, October 29, 2010

chaos into order

I'm trying to make chaos into order in my new space and I think it's is starting to take hold, yet in the back of my head or maybe my heart I realize that I'm trying to capture a feeling that can't be filled by a space.  When you move you get to redefine the space that you live, re-conceptualize your art work, trinkets, furniture, in a sense yourself.  It's a new fixation for the moment, but in the end I hope will be enjoyed by others, otherwise what's the point? 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Addition to Wisconsinism's

I found a great website today after my HR new employee orientation. I did not have the correct emphasis on the right syllables :). Yes, I know it's improper, but it is slightly fun.  I left thinking about the unique accent that I will learn over the next few years. I needed a little help since I am an outsider so I found a great article to bring out the inner Wisconsinite in myself! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In a few days I will be leaving the great state of OH-IO and heading north to the land of Wisconsin. I get to have a little fun and decorate a new space. I have been following house blogs for awhile now and get to implement all of my own ideas. I'm moving into a 70's style apartment complex, complete with crushed burnt orange velvet chairs in the foyer. I have cute little old ladies on my floor with a few nut cases mixed in. My neighbor across the hall reminds me of Topper of of the TV show "Coach" and when my dad hit his car with our moving truck he said welcome to the neighborhood. I'm hoping they stay friendly when my dog moves in to the apartment. I went and explored town a bit and cute little shops are just a few blocks away. I found a great coffee shop and paper store. A few things I noticed out on my fall Saturday outing.... 

1) On game day, no one was wearing all red
2) They said hello and goodbye instead of "Go Bucks" or I guess "Go Badgers"
3) "Don'tcha know" is used frequently

 I think I'm going to like this town.....