Friday, July 22, 2011

Myers-Briggs Dating Feild Guide

Here is mine...whats yours? 

Why you want one: Passionate, unpredictable, absolutely always interesting.
Spoiler Alert: Not loyal to people or ideologies. One day it’s yoga, the next it’s kickboxing. One day it’s Theravada Buddhism, the next it’s Assemblies of God. This applies to their romantic life.
Where to find one: The clubbiest of clubs, in the middle of the dancefloor, possibly on X.
Pickup technique: Wear some bright colors, talk about how you bathed in the Ganges to get salvation, give them drugs, promise to get tantric. Beware of passionate yet very sloppy kisses.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July came in with a bang

July, you have started out with a bang, literally! A lot of trees down and power outage for a few days sent me back on the road early to one of my favorite adventures yet of the summer! After a random night out with people from high school I was invited to go camping. In the spirit of saying "YES" as much as possible this month I went. In the middle of the week I went to my first concert by myself and had a good time, starting to get use to the idea.  My favorite part of my trip was hanging out with my Grandma. It was the first time we really talked and listened. Our differences created the best conversation instead of a fight. It was just....awesome! Plus her taste is impeccable and her humor reminds me of myself. I think I'm starting to finally see where I come from and why I have the little idiosyncrasies that I do.  The end of my trip was camping and meeting up with a bunch of people I didn't know very well. It was nice to be new and not really care, freeing in a way. It was topped off with a great conversation and a random day. Possibly one of the best breakfasts and convos that I have had in a really long time. I needed that, so July, thanks :)