Thursday, November 4, 2010

AparTmenT Transformaion...brougHT To you by a broken leTTer "T, H, V and C"

The new Casa in KenosHa and a Tale of a keyboard
The living room The first day

The second week
In The living room I decided To go with purple for The accent Color, I am Hoping To find some yellow as well when spring arrives. I love gray, yellow and purple Together! My grandmother's end Tables, my great aunt's mirror and a Chair from an estate sale rounded out The room. I'm still looking for a Chair To go on The left. (Cat is sold separately)

Sexy Curtains on The first day!

Looking like Home
I nailed up a flannel sheet for a Curtain and used belts as The strings. How is THaT for a little DIY in a pinch. I didn't like looking into my neighbors bedroom. I found a bookshelf, added a my mom's old Trunk from College and my favorite lamp To The awkward Corner. Speaking of awkward Corner, I'm starting To like it's look, but don't judge The breakfast area in The background. THe Table and Chair set are my next DIY project.

Meet Munchkin
Meek Lexi
 You migHT HaVe noTiCed THe random leTTer's being CapiTolized in THis posT. Here is wHaT Happened To my keyboard....

Lexi and Munchkin like To play....rough. While I was Taking pictures, They rolled onto The Computer Cord and Then Lexi Pounced on The keyboard missing Her intended Target, The Cat. You are seeing The letters That spell Check does not Catch. For some odd reason, if you Capitalize The letters They work... and Here ends The Tale of The keyboard.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Me time...a new concept

Time to myself, it's a completely new concept in my world. I have had an amazing job working with college students for the last 4 years in a role that required a college student schedule.  I have transitioned into a new role where I have occasional night and weekend commitments, but overall time for myself. This new concept has made me evaluate how I spend my time with myself. Inspired by my friends blog "a little bit of rain" I made a list of things that I did for the first time on my own so far this week. While it is not life altering for many, it was a big deal to me.

1. Had dinner by myself at a restaurant. Mind you,I found a cute place that I could walk to from my apartment, it looked warm and modern inside, and from the outside I could see people eating at the bar. I had the most delicious risotto balls and a petite syrah that made my taste buds extremely happy. Plus, I met a few members of the community that suggested other places I should try.

2. Went for a walk at night around my neighborhood in the dark with my dog ( 8pm), she had to pee and I was restless. It was a bit scary since I didn't know the area and no one was around. On the way I looked down and saw a rock with Orson Welles' name on it and a plate marking his childhood home.  This house has since been split up into apartments, but it's a cool piece of history a few houses down.

3. Moved on my own. Carried a heavy coffee table, bookshelves, chairs, and trunks and boxes up 3 flights of stairs on my own. Moving makes you realize how amazing friends and family are when they are close. Moving by yourself is a bit intimidating and lonely, on the other hand it really makes you feel independent.

4. Found a grocery store and ticked off my new neighbors. I managed to tick off the existing customers while I signed up for a card.....oops. Lesson learned, sign up before you go through check out. The second lesson is do not park between two huge SUV's. You can not see as you back out of the spot and people do not like waiting for a car. They like to make interesting gestures as they wait. I might not be shopping there anymore.....

5. Found a gym, and then saw my bank statement. I will be signing up for that next month :)