Thursday, November 4, 2010

AparTmenT Transformaion...brougHT To you by a broken leTTer "T, H, V and C"

The new Casa in KenosHa and a Tale of a keyboard
The living room The first day

The second week
In The living room I decided To go with purple for The accent Color, I am Hoping To find some yellow as well when spring arrives. I love gray, yellow and purple Together! My grandmother's end Tables, my great aunt's mirror and a Chair from an estate sale rounded out The room. I'm still looking for a Chair To go on The left. (Cat is sold separately)

Sexy Curtains on The first day!

Looking like Home
I nailed up a flannel sheet for a Curtain and used belts as The strings. How is THaT for a little DIY in a pinch. I didn't like looking into my neighbors bedroom. I found a bookshelf, added a my mom's old Trunk from College and my favorite lamp To The awkward Corner. Speaking of awkward Corner, I'm starting To like it's look, but don't judge The breakfast area in The background. THe Table and Chair set are my next DIY project.

Meet Munchkin
Meek Lexi
 You migHT HaVe noTiCed THe random leTTer's being CapiTolized in THis posT. Here is wHaT Happened To my keyboard....

Lexi and Munchkin like To play....rough. While I was Taking pictures, They rolled onto The Computer Cord and Then Lexi Pounced on The keyboard missing Her intended Target, The Cat. You are seeing The letters That spell Check does not Catch. For some odd reason, if you Capitalize The letters They work... and Here ends The Tale of The keyboard.

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