Monday, January 10, 2011

Back in the land of babies and weddings...

I am having one of those moments, again.  I'm trying to figure out if I want, someday, to tie the knot with a Mr. Special; or if I am getting caught up in all of my friends excitement? I am in my first wave of babies and third wave of weddings. I can plan a wedding with the best of them! I know dress cuts, cake styles, venue questions, color options, and inexpensive tricks to make a room look exquisite.  Some of that comes from my own short lived engagement years ago, but most of it comes from all of my friends and their trials and tribulations. In my new town a few of my coworkers are getting engaged.  It's that time of year again, around the holidays, where it leaves everyone the perfect amount of time to plan a wedding for summer. A little over a year as people gush, and you know what, I gush right along with them. So the question still remains, do I really like planning events, or am I starting to be open to a life long partnership?

I found a "tiddy"
I'm Alice in the wonderland of Facebook. My friends are posting daily updates on their new bundle's of joy in their lives. I'm following with fascination as friends embark on the journey. Last year I would be annoyed by my friends posts, but now I'm following like a fan would follow their team. I want my friends to be happy and their child to be healthy. I know that I'm not even close to being ready to miss my feet, get swollen, and go through the pain of child birth. On the flip side, I have noticed my attitude changing towards kids in general. Maybe it was the reality of a good friend loosing her baby and the heartache she felt; it could be close friends are now having babies and I actually care about their kids; or it could be as simple as I don't want an empty house when I'm old.  Either way, the other night I was sitting next to a mom and her two little girls. In an exuberant explanation, the three-year old talked about the parrots she had just seen at a petting zoo. I thought she was adorable! Hmmmm. During Christmas this last year my little cousin who is 2, became my buddy. We ran around the house looking for "tiddys" (kittys).  I had so much fun! Maybe children are not the worst thing to happen to friendships. I think I might be growing up(took me long enough). My views on kids have shifted from my babysitting/nanny weekends of the past. It was hard to take care of kids by yourself. The end of the day was exhausting. I hated feeling tethered, scrutinized, and judged. I think I remembered a lot of the exhaustion and choose to forget the fun. Making forts, putting on plays, or creating giant pieces of art was a lot of fun. Who doesn't like a long nature walk with a picnic at the end? I can honestly say I haven't caught the "baby bug", but I have caught the "aunt bug" which will due for now.

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