Sunday, January 2, 2011

Checking things off my list

Before I moved I made a list of things I needed to find when I moved to Wisconsin and I'm happy to say I have checked most of them off. 

List of things I need to find in a new town
1. New coffee shop and barrista that I love as much as Heavenly Cup. The Nook, but it just closed. Heading up the road to Common Grounds.
2. New wine and brew store, shouldn't be to hard in Wisconsin (at least the brew part). Three Cellars!
3. Dentist, doctor, chiropractor, masseuse. I hate finding these.
4. Grocery store (where I can actually find things instead of calling my dad every 5 mins). Woodman's and my friend said that "if it's not there it shouldn't go in your mouth" which is very true. 
5. Running trails. Signed up for a half in May!
6. Dog walking trails. The lake parks are working out swell
7. Friends. Met some great people so far!
8. New hobby- maybe sailing since I will be by the lake. Signed up for a photography class, sailing is next.
9. Local bar with a cool bartender. TG's is winning, but Fec's is a cool hole in the wall. Working on my spot.
10. Great take out place. I think home cooking is winning out at the moment.

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