Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sarah's 30!

Well it's your two days to shine! You are older then me and for once I can stick my tongue out at you and say I'm younger and it's awesome! As my best friend/ big sister you taught me the ways of lying about my age, running, and eating ice cream. I know two days is not a big deal, but your long legs made you more mature then me at seven! Thirty was suppose to be big if I remember correctly. I think we thought we were going to have it all figured out by 30. You know, I still don't have it figured out and I think its ok....I think.

We still miss you and your birthday has a significant impact on our mood, but it is also a great reminder to live it up! You would have done it in a heart beat!

I'm struggling with it this year. Maybe it's that we can't celebrate it together, or maybe it's I don't know if my friends realize it's my birthday. I'm turning 30 and I really just wanted someone to throw me a party with out asking. I'm doing my own thing in July and I think heading home to the parents for the weekend after the day. Home is always a great fall back. We did spend our 21st together since Easter crashed it :)

Here is to the bravest women I have even known! You were beautiful, smart, ambitious, and warm. I miss you more then you know. Wish I could tell you my heart...you always new what to do :) Have a great day up there lady!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

move on..

Sometimes you feel alone in the the world and then something compels you to watch a movie and a quote comes along that reminds you to move on because life is short and unexpected. Wasting your time on people, worries, and plans only bogs you down.

It's my time to die and it's your time to live, now don't mess it up~ The Secret Life of Bees

Friday, March 18, 2011

It's not as blury as you think

When you are forced to listen, and not just hear, but really listen you see what is real instead of what your interpretation of a moment might have been. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s joyful, and sometimes it knocks you over and builds you back up. Either way there is peace in your mind and soul when the truth is reality.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nada Surf - Inside of Love

Zsa Zaa is so right!

"Men have always liked me and I have always liked men. But I like a mannish man, a man who knows how to talk to and treat a woman—not just a man with muscles." Zsa Zsa Gabor

30 days till 30

Wow, how did I get to 30 already? Well instead of dreading it I'm going to get excited! I'm going to keep addiding to this post as the month goes on...

So far....
I'm excited because I'm going to learn how to take great pictures to capture the moments!
I'm excited because I'm finally ready to do all of the things I hid from in my 20s and I'm really thankful I waited.