Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sarah's 30!

Well it's your two days to shine! You are older then me and for once I can stick my tongue out at you and say I'm younger and it's awesome! As my best friend/ big sister you taught me the ways of lying about my age, running, and eating ice cream. I know two days is not a big deal, but your long legs made you more mature then me at seven! Thirty was suppose to be big if I remember correctly. I think we thought we were going to have it all figured out by 30. You know, I still don't have it figured out and I think its ok....I think.

We still miss you and your birthday has a significant impact on our mood, but it is also a great reminder to live it up! You would have done it in a heart beat!

I'm struggling with it this year. Maybe it's that we can't celebrate it together, or maybe it's I don't know if my friends realize it's my birthday. I'm turning 30 and I really just wanted someone to throw me a party with out asking. I'm doing my own thing in July and I think heading home to the parents for the weekend after the day. Home is always a great fall back. We did spend our 21st together since Easter crashed it :)

Here is to the bravest women I have even known! You were beautiful, smart, ambitious, and warm. I miss you more then you know. Wish I could tell you my heart...you always new what to do :) Have a great day up there lady!

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