Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some things never change

Remember when I use to run out of the room when I got scared during a movie? Well it happened today and I went to pick up the phone and I remembered I couldn't call. I was laughing at myself because I didn't change the channel, I just ran to my bedroom until the scene was over. You would have died laughing and teased me. I think it's why I always called.  Instead I called your sister and told her, she laughed, but it was the same. I don't think she remembers my fear of Robinhood. I'm pretty sure both of our sisters were still sleeping when the movie was playing. Instead I drank a glass of wine and put in one of our favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice...the new version.  So much has changed my dear friend, but somethings have never changed. Miss you still!

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