Monday, October 31, 2011


New Orleans. For most people it's a drunkin blur with amazing food mixed in along the way. For this odd duck it's always the place I get my head back on straight. Maybe it's a city that's dizzy enough on it's own so I feel like I'm standing still. Must be the voodoo magic!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I'm the proud owner of two new chairs. While they may be on the ugly spectrum, they are quite cozy. Plus they were delivered, all for free!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I have been doing a lot of reading at work lately. We are working on coming up with the next common read for our students. Along the way you get to discover some great work and this time a fun artist. Check out Ellen Forney's work.  I expecially like her comics!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The ring of reality

My friend sent me this diagram knowing I would love it. What is not to love? A picture is worth a thousand words!

Monday, October 17, 2011


...I'm not going to give you a real chance, I like you, but I know I will never fall in love with you.  I should, on paper you are exactly what I want, but something doesn't excite me about you.....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

picnic's, coffee and zombies...oh my!

Online dating has it's ups and downs and lately it's been a lot of ups. Picnic on the beach after a hike, finding the best coffee shop in Milwaukee, or running into a pack of zombies on bikes and having a beer with them are my top dates at the moment.   Three different kinds of dates and three different kind of guys. Navigating the schedule has been an interesting juggle and not matter how many books you read, there is not a science to the process. Everything has it's own pace, but when each guy is at a different level how do you know which one to pick. Do you have to? Websites have advice for guys on how to "play the game." I realized that there isn't writing out there for women.  Do guys think girls only date one guy at a time?