Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have been on a journey reading a number of books over the last few weeks trying to find an inner voice through other peoples words. It started with I love female orgasms, Why men love bitches, What men say, what women hear,  I watched the movie Leap year and then started reading How full is your bucket?  and then watched the movie Miss Potter and found a few themes and personal inspiration. It's a very simple inspiration that I find in many other stories, but most elequently explained in the movie The Holiday ...Gumption. "You are suppose to be the leading lady in your own life", explained by Arthur.    But gumption is not good with out a voice and in each of these books or movies a person does find there voice and learns how to use it.  Hopefully over the next few months I can start placing what I learned into readable vignettes that capture a bit of the soul of a female.   

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