Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Slight Obsession with BB Apps

Now I am not a tech savvy girl, in fact I have been compared to Kryptonite  when it comes to technology. I have the natural ability to break 4 computers in 5 years.  On the the other hand I love bright and shiny new toys, especially if they are free! I have recently filled up my Blackberry with enough applications that the memory is starting to freeze. As I filter through the applications and learn which ones I use and which ones are a fast fad that quickly fades away I find my obsession with my phone growing. I whip out the phone and it's applications like friends whip out the newest pictures of babies. In a moment I can coordinate directions, movie times, gas prices, Facebook all while talking on the phone to a friend.  I might be two connected. I wonder if there is an app for that problem?

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