Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Marriage and Babies

Everyone around me has started to move on to their next stage in life. While I'm happy for their new adventures into adulthood, I'm a bit sad at the prospect of playing candy-land on my own. Weddings, babies, and celebrations are booking my calendar more frequently then random road trips and adventures.

This past weekend while home in the Midwest visiting my family, a well intended member of my parents church asked if I had brought a special gentleman home.  They were politely asking if I was starting to head down the marriage path. I'm awkward when answering the question of "are you dating" and "is they someone special". I need to develop a stock answer, that instills confidence that I will marry someday, if "Mr. Right Now" turns into "Mr. Right" dropping the now off his name to join mine. I'm not dating anyone specifically special, I'm dating and meeting lots of potential partners but stating that to a middle age couple makes them uncomfortable and me look like a "twit"- I think that is what they call it.

I have great friends that listen to what I want and really find the text book guy. Even my barista has found me a date! I'm extremely lucky that people have faith in me to find a mate. Sometimes I wonder if it's because I can joined the "marrieds" for couple dates and not be Bridget Jones at the end of the table. Cynical,  I know!  I struggle with the thought that half of them will be divorced before I get married. Am I bucking a trend, or running scared?

Babies, houses, marriage, responsibility....right now I'm just really happy with my dog.

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