Wednesday, August 25, 2010

20 Something bash

The New York Times released an article last week that seemed to resonate with me and many of my friends. I'm about to leave the 20 something group soon, yet I feel I haven't reached societies intended goal. My reason, I have watched the failures of the generation before me try to keep up with the pace and fall on their face. We grew up with our parents or friends parents divorcing; people loosing jobs and then unable to make payments on houses; the job market tank and then everyone went back to school to become more marketable only to find they were to qualified mentally with out enough hands on experience. Through all of that we have become more cautious with our hearts, why should we trust when 50% of the time it's not going to work.  We have become more educated, yet unemployable and unable to think outside of the box. Yet we continue to fall into the trap of keeping up with the latest trend in technology and fashion. We love our credit cards.  Why not live at home when we can't afford to live on our own. Our parents are cool roommates, its not as lonely as your own place, and its free.

In the United States society shuns those who move home, yet in many countries they find it wrong not to join your family after college and marriage. The decision become more about the location of your work or the need of the family. The hardest decision is who's family will we actually live with and what makes most sense for a the new couple or the person.

I agree that there has been a shift in the 20 Something's time line to adulthood. I also think that the generation needs to be able to take responsibly for itself. On the other hand, I think the opportunities are endless and it reflects in the passion to try them all on for size before picking the right one. Why rush an experience when we have the time?

The full article is in the link listed below

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