Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today I'm thankful for friendships. They span miles, continents, states, phone lines, text messages, car rides, and thoughts. Each friend guides my journey and I live vicariously through their journeys.  My friends have helped define me, challenge my thoughts, support me through tough times, and given me confidence when I needed a boost. As we are growing up, going through life events, and changing, our friendships are morphing into new realms. Recently, I realized that I have been selfishly looking inward at how their changes are affecting my life.  I realized I have forgotten to learn from their new endeavors. I was unhappy about the change instead of being supportive of their new possibilities. I am packing up the old memories and storing them away to pull out when we need a boost later on in a moment of stress or disparity. I'm challenging myself to redefine my old friendships and find a new common ground. 

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