Friday, December 3, 2010

Back in the saddle...

I tried online dating before and met some nice guys, but wasn't in the same place or wasn't ready for the commitment. Well it's a few years later, a new website, and a different town. It's been a completely different experience. I signed up over a few days. I read up on how to make an interesting profile and what types of pictures to use. I checked out the site for important things like if I could wear a set of 4 inch heels, if the men had a college education, and if they were kissable. Those are mature reason's to start a relationship....and I found a few so I took the plunge and uploaded my photo and filled out my profile to see what would happen. YIKES!!! In a few hours I had 20 winks and 12 emails sitting in a box that I couldn't read. I couldn't pass through and read the responses until the troll had my credit card number. I caved,  paid the toll, and crossed over to the other side. After one night of trying to do it on my own I sent my sister a text and said "help", I can't decide, or sift through all of them, or read the profiles. In her ever organized and methodical way she went through and took care of the dirty business of no thanks, winks, and text updates in just an hour. It was awesome! I sent my mom and email about something completely unrelated, but mentioned my sisters skills the next morning. "Are there some promising ones"? she asked. "Yes, they are tall and educated". She wrote back "Nice to know they can at least walk and chew gum". I was off or at least at the starting gate. I agonized over the first few emails sent and was pleasantly surprised by their responses. I even found a few that I hope to keep talking to and maybe even meet! Sometimes it takes a team and a sister that is a horse trainer that moonlights as a match maker.

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