Friday, December 3, 2010

Online dating is like online shopping...... never know if it's going to fit until you see it in person and try it on. Its a few days into the process and my sister and I have gotten the hang of the website.  I found two guys that seem pretty promising and one that I genuinely like, even if nothing ever happens.

Here is how the conversation has gone between us:
"Mr. X is insanely tall and I would look good in a great pair of heels" I send to my sister in a text. Shallow, I know.
"haha I like Mr. Y's message, but he looks like Moby Dick", my sister replies.
"Mr. C was a little creepy in his message", I sent back.
"Yea, I said no thanks", whew I'm thinking!
"I like Mr. X!!! my sister sends back.
"Me too!!!".He wrote a great email. Don't worry, I waited the proper few hours to respond.
"Can I wink the firefighter?", she asks.
"Idk, did he wink me?"
This winking thing is getting out of control and I have learned a whole new language.
"I think he is to old", I say back.
She sends another one a few minutes later, "Here is a cute med student who plays the guitar, might be to godly, he grew up a missionary kid"

"I like his values of giving back, but worry I'm a little sassy", not that I don't love a good boy, but my luck with good boys is they don't always know what to do with me.
"I can cus like a sailor...and like sex....don't know if god would approve"
"hahaha" my sister laughes

An so the conversation goes on over the next few days.  I'm secretly hoping to hear from Mr. X.

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