Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chick flicks and a cold spring

It's a great day for a few chick flicks since spring went back into hiding and it's cold and rainy all over again. Here are a few of my favoirte moments

When Harry Met Sally

Love Actually

The Holiday
There were to many and this video captured all of them
and of course the whole bit about gumption and Gram in glasses

27 Dresses

The videos are sparse for this movie. My favorite moment when they described how everyone looks at the bride, but they both looked at the groom.

I could list a thousand more, but I think this is pretty good for one afternoon :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back in the saddle, round #2

The apron strings have been cut, and what I thought might be possible was merely me being the utter optimist. Sometimes you can see the potential, but it does not make it the reality you hoped for in the end. I'm moving on from Mr. Encouragement with hope for him to find his Ms. Music Maven and me to find my Mr.Rightnow. I'm back in the saddle with a few saddle sores, and fond memories. I have a few weeks left with the online site so I turned it back on. So far the Mr. Army has caught my attention, with Mr. Captain and Mr. Sunny not far behind. Maybe the utter optimist will get her summer romance yet!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bridget, you are mocking me

Bridget Jones, you seem to be mocking my life at the moment. While I love you and the movie it's a little to close to home.
I've had the flirtatious office romance that looks so promising with the cute Mr. Cleaver...
I've had the I will always be a little bit fat moment, and they like my wobbly bits
I've had the cooking moment in the kitchen with Mr. really is sweet
I've had the moment, minus the fight scene and one of my favorite lines in the movie, where if they can't make it with me they can't make it with anyone

                Let's go back upstairs.
                Come on.
                We belong together,Jones.
                Poor little skirt.
                If I can't make it with you...
                I can't make it with anyone. 
                That's not a good enough offer for me.
                I'm not willing to gamble my whole life...
                on someone who's...
                well, not quite sure.
                It's like you said.
                I'm still looking for something...
                more extraordinary than that.

I think I have had this moment too with Mr. Darcy
BRIDGET:I just have something that I want to say.
                You once said that you liked me just as I am...
                and I just wanted to say... likewise.
                I mean...
                there are stupid things your mum buys you.
                Tonight's another classic.
                You're haughty, and you always say the wrong thing...
                in every situation.
                And I seriously believe thatyou should...
                rethink the length of your sideburns.
                But you're a nice man...
                I like you.
                So if you wanted to pop by sometime...
                that might be nice.
                More than nice.

I'm worried that I might repeat the second movie as well. Staying far way from trips that involve islands...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sping in my step

Today snuck up on me and ended up being amazing! It started when I decided to wear a sundress to work even though it's still really to cold to do it with out tights. I'm hoping it will help the weather gods realized that warm weather really should be here by now! It made me want to twirl around like I was little when I use to test all of the dresses to make sure they had enough of a poof effect when I spun around. The twirly effect was very important!

Driving to work I sang at the top of my lungs to pop music and it was a guilty pleasure.

I got a phone number to an owner of the coffee shop in town and a possible part-time job/travel fund replenishment/shopping withdrawal fund.

I listened to Pistol Annie's for the bazillionth time

Talked to my sister on skype and helped her shop for dresses and shoes for the up coming wedding season that is upon us and managed to find a yellow pair of flats that are adorable. It's amazing how much shopping and trying on clothes can happen in a few hours over the internet. I miss that girl and dressing up! The second job will help with a ticket to visit the sibs out west :)

The night is winding down to a great playlist off of youtube and catching up with a buddy that will be in town in a few weeks and I'm super excited to see him!  Bring on the extra medium teeshirts!

Happy Spring!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It's my first time using my camera on the manual mode and taking pictures. It's amazing how much fun it is to be able to set up the shot just how you wanted it to turn out. I took 75, but these were my best.

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Apron string stages

It's always harder moving on then I think. I have my own set of stages, of course...
Stage one- numb and nothing phases me, I could really careless
Stage two- questioning and testing new waters
Stage three- anger and being mean
Stage four- maybe we can be friends
Stage five- nostalgic and a kind of sad
Stage six- find a way to get mad to move out of stage five
Stage seven- rebound
Stage eight- become real friends again
