Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sping in my step

Today snuck up on me and ended up being amazing! It started when I decided to wear a sundress to work even though it's still really to cold to do it with out tights. I'm hoping it will help the weather gods realized that warm weather really should be here by now! It made me want to twirl around like I was little when I use to test all of the dresses to make sure they had enough of a poof effect when I spun around. The twirly effect was very important!

Driving to work I sang at the top of my lungs to pop music and it was a guilty pleasure.

I got a phone number to an owner of the coffee shop in town and a possible part-time job/travel fund replenishment/shopping withdrawal fund.

I listened to Pistol Annie's for the bazillionth time

Talked to my sister on skype and helped her shop for dresses and shoes for the up coming wedding season that is upon us and managed to find a yellow pair of flats that are adorable. It's amazing how much shopping and trying on clothes can happen in a few hours over the internet. I miss that girl and dressing up! The second job will help with a ticket to visit the sibs out west :)

The night is winding down to a great playlist off of youtube and catching up with a buddy that will be in town in a few weeks and I'm super excited to see him!  Bring on the extra medium teeshirts!

Happy Spring!

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