Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some things never change

Remember when I use to run out of the room when I got scared during a movie? Well it happened today and I went to pick up the phone and I remembered I couldn't call. I was laughing at myself because I didn't change the channel, I just ran to my bedroom until the scene was over. You would have died laughing and teased me. I think it's why I always called.  Instead I called your sister and told her, she laughed, but it was the same. I don't think she remembers my fear of Robinhood. I'm pretty sure both of our sisters were still sleeping when the movie was playing. Instead I drank a glass of wine and put in one of our favorite movies, Pride and Prejudice...the new version.  So much has changed my dear friend, but somethings have never changed. Miss you still!

If you ask for it , the universe will provide

I was talking with my good friend over skype, she is overseas, and the ever typical topics came lives, the universe, what do we want out of life, how much things have changed in life. She has been studying yoga faithfully for the past few years and truley believes that if you ask for it, the universe will provide, but you must be open.  Thinking back on that statement and my summer I realized that unknowingly I asked for three things and they happened!
I was bored where I am living and pretty unhappy. I was in need of an escape from the stagnant lifestyle that at times became stiflingly depressing. 
I wanted to reconnect with my inner self, find my center of gravity, strength in my convictions
I wanted a summer romance or a Mr. Right now

A few road trips around the midwest reconnecting with friends and family quelled my zest for an adventure. Camping in my own tent, floating down a river on a raft tied up to 21 other people and a keg, doing a keg stand in an old school bus, and cooking over a fire was all a first for me. How am I 30 and just doing a keg stand? Vising old friends and stomping grounds reminded me that the past was fun, but it was time to move on. On the other side of the coin it gave me a new appreciation for old friends that I lost touch with over the years and made me realize that sometimes the best people are the ones that have known you forever.

Time in car driving 6-8 hours at a time gives the mind a lot of time to think. Hanging out with your grandma for a few days centered me and brought back a sense of confidence that I lost this year. I come from a stock of very strong women who are intelligent, driven, passionate about the world and making it a better place, and loyal to their families.  It is because of these women I went to college, learned etiquette, was able to pursue my own career dreams, supported when I was down on my luck, and encouraged to keep striving even when I didn't know where it would lead me.  It's a pretty powerful thing to look back and see their journeys. 

What is summer with out a few stolen kisses and a short romance?  Not summer! I met a soulmate of sorts that was short lived due to distance, but it was nice to see that a person could be out there in the future if I was ready. I met a romantic that brought me flowers and a movie when I was sick, made a fire and roasted marshmallows outside because it was one of my favorite foods, and I got to make him coffee to sit and drink and talk about the world. It did my heart good to be cherished again, to have a person that just wanted to introduce you to things and hang out just because it was fun and easy. I finally took a person off the pedestal that I had been keeping them on for some reason. It doesn't matter how strong the connection. In the end they are just like every other person out there. They are trying to get what they want for the moment. I always fall for a smooth talker that knows exactly what to say in the moment. It can make me easy sometimes, I blame my hard head, or my  heart that really wants to believe them.  Overall that's a pretty good summer!

I'm trying to decide if I'm ready to put out to the universe that I want a partner. It still makes me a little nervous to be "tied down," maybe a relationship that last more then a summer is a good start. Trips are out on the table and starting to get planned with friends and family. 

Fall is on it's way....