Friday, November 4, 2011


I say I love that word, but reality is only when I'm the person who creates the change. In a week I have been encouraged to apply for an open position in a new state, told my sister is spending Christmas away with her boyfriend, and the apartment I wanted is originally vacant.

A new job sounds like a smart move, but it also leaves me wondering what I could still do where I am at. I have never jumped ship till I was ready. Now it's being openly talked about. I have some decisions to make over the weekend.

My family has always been together for the holidays. It does give me a slight twinge of sadness to know my sister is in another city. Who else am I suppose to open my stocking with and laugh? I'm happy for her and her boyfriend, I will just miss them. It will be our first Christmas apart. What can I say? I'm the oldest and have watched her open all of her presents for 24 years.

How does it happen that you sign a new lease and the apartment you wanted is now open? Do I move? It would save me money, but what if I get a new job offer?

Life is complicated, November is a soul searching month. Who do you trust? I have learned that friends can be enemies.

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