Thursday, January 12, 2012

The sweetest gesture with a lamp

My mom was moving things around in her bedroom and had placed this lamp on the bed. The lamp has been in our family since my great grandma was a young girl. She passed it down to my mom soon after we moved into our farm house about 20 years ago. Mom had gone into her closet to put some clothes away and that's when she heard the crash. The base of the lamp was heavy and it made the lamp slide off the bed. We all heard the crash, and Dad was first on the scene. Mom was upset picking up the pieces of the shattered glass and any attempt to help was met with a cold silence. She took the lamp and all of the pieces and placed them outside in the trash. We all felt awful. My mom was really close to her grandma and always took special care of the lamp. Tonight Dad sent us a text with the lamp restored. He had found a new globe, hired an artist to replicate the floral design, and then had it reassembled at the lamp shop in town. Needless to say my mom was really surprises! Dumpster diving can be very romantic!

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