Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bunghole Queen

Written on the bunghole in my hand was "Tour guide ---heart--->>>Dizzy"
It's girls weekend, my friends from Ohio are up for a visit. We head up to Milwaukee for a brewery tour at the best tour on earth!  In true Dizzy fashion I couldn't find the email confirmation for the tickets, but I did see the charge on my credit card. Here was hoping my name was on the list!  Fast forward to glasses in hand and the tour guide giving us crap for straggling behind at the beer counter.  After mentioning icebreakers in his talk and making fun of my shoes, my friends and I came to the concluding that we all are in Higher Ed.  I was laughing my ass off on the tour with all of the references to orientation and student affairs theories. In the middle of the tour they explain the distribution process and the "bunghole" that gets waked into the keg at the end. Of course they set the mood first, dim the lights, place on soft music, etc.  Each tour they pick and queen and I got the bunghole :) At the end of the tour the five of us talked about the conferences we were going to, where we all went to grad school and what we were doing after the tour. Our guide suggested we all meet up when he was off work. I passed him my phone and as he was typing it in he got a funny look on his face. He asked to talk with me in private for a moment. His number was already in my phone under his first name and last name "match," apparently we had already talked via We had in fact texted a few times but never went out. I blushed and was awkward. My friends were dying laughing at me. I think this is the best meet story I have ever had in my life! Oh and with the bunghole in hand, I got  to drink for free. That was a sweet second!

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