Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Problems of dating

Everyone knows dating is complicated.  In the busy world there are multiple factors that make a date not work. There are many road blocks along the way and in the end often most meetings do not work out. Here are a few that I have run into in the process.

Busy girl problem:
You really like the guy, are not ready to be exclusive, but don't have time to really meet up with new people, but don't want to freak out the current beau and give the wrong idea, and you do really like the guy so far so you also don't want to give out the wrong idea that your feelings are neutral. How do you tell them?

Multiple dating problem:
You meet a few people all around the same time and then progress at different comfort levels with each person. You also are not always the same person around the different guys because they bring out different characteristics. You have to be careful to remember the individual details and not confuse the information.  Often your availability is limited due to multiple dates in a week.  It's exhausting and in the end usually none of them win because it's to hard.

Chemistry online, but not in person problem:
You talk online and can not believe how you hit it off! When you meet in person there is an instant moment where there is absolutely no attraction. If you do find them attractive, but through conversation realize that the chemistry online was due to the fact you could both banter in a witty way through thoughtfully crafted emails.  In person there was just a big fat thud.

I really really really like this person problem:
The I really really really like this person is also known as the deer in the headlights I'm to spooked to move problem so you don't move.  The dates start to go really badly, and they are your fault. You know they are your fault, but like a deer in the headlights you need to be coaxed forward to move.  It's almost like your body is trying to sabotage you.

Amazing first meeting problem:
It's an amazing story of how you first met. You agree to go out, but then they never actually get around to asking you on a date. The world screams ask them out, but statistically you know that if they don't initiate the date in the long run it's not going to happen. Plus the first time meeting was so great that the date would be impossible to match.

It's going great:
It is going great...all of it in fact! The pace of the relationship, the chemistry, the secret tests (friends, animals, kissing) and now you actually feel like it has potential.  You actually want to know more about the person. The deeper things like past relationships, who they want to be down the road, and some of their fears.  Potential can be really scary when the above list lingers over your head.  Here is to trusting the process, everything happens for a reason, put it in someone else's hand, have patience motto's.  This isn't a problem, it's actually a good thing!

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