Thursday, August 23, 2012

Feeling like a grown up

I rented a house! I'm so excited for yard work, cookouts and space. It must be fate because it's even yellow, one of my favorite colors!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where it will stop, no one knows

Fall means change and I have felt my world spinning for awhile now.  It was spinning so fast sometimes I felt sick and confused. I was in the Willie Wonka movie on the ride...where it was going to stop no one knows.    Over the past few weeks a lot of change has taken place and it's been for the best.  Where most people spend their early twenties searching for themselves, I have been a late bloomer and it's my early thirties where I have had to find myself.  Over the summer the fun games of dating have grown old and boring.  I met some great guys, but I'm not trying to work hard at something thats not going to mean anything in a few months.  I have grown up a bit, become selective, and realistic.  I have enjoyed a summer of fun filled with friends, family and road trips.  I have started to actually talk things out with people instead of bottling it all in. It has felt good to open up and share in friends lives. I have also come to accept those who will never change, while it hurts, it is freeing to know that I can recognize bad patters and toxic relationships. I have worked on my leap year list. I finally got the real bed I had been pinning on Pinterest for the last year, and now I have rented a house! I think I have had my first glimpse into feeling like an's about time :) 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Young Romans "Where You Go"

Leap year list is six months in...this would be a big one to make happen in the year

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

4th of July blows this year...and I don't mean in fireworks

Note to self, leave town over major holidays when you are not planning the fun. It's sadly lonely when everyone else has family and friends with places to be and you are the dork left asking what people are up to. On the 4th of July you just want to hang out with people...or at least I do...and not just randoms.  Lesson learned, find more friends and soon!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Drink's with Dad

This weekend my mom is out of town and my dad had surgery recently, so I'm visiting home while I have some time off of work. I'm being helpful mowing the lawn, lifting heavy objects and helping out with the farm. Tonight Dad made me a steak the size if my head and then we headed out for a drink downtown, in our very little town. If you have ever read this blog you know that my Dad is my go to person for advice. Tonight it moved from religion to politics to relationships...pretty typical. The best part is we don't always agree, but respect and understand the other persons side. The best part was the knowledge and experiences he is willing to share. I feel pretty lucky to have him him as my Dad. Not many men compare. Happy Fathers day to to a great dad!....little early.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

We have a good thing

Let go of fear, turned off the online profile, and I'm enjoying the moment.  It feels great to live in the present! Thanks Dad!