Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Here is to starting over with the right attitude

Congratulations! Today is the deadline. While this moment is bitter sweet in many ways, it's also daunting.  I have been practicing over the last few weeks to shed my fears that I mentioned in "Moving on is hard". I think I'm ready, and if I'm not I have my coach to keep me in check!   I had a little coxing, but I got back onto a new free dating site and I have already been asked on a date. Here is to hoping what I wished for is what I really want , Leap Year List, !

Monday, January 30, 2012

Friendly fond sincere

"Maybe it was because we found being in each other's company so effortless. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he had clearly been in love with Bitsy Houghton since he was a kid (star crossed romance being the spoiler that it is). Either way, we knew that our feelings for each other weren't urgent, or impassioned, or prone to deception. They were friendly and fond and sincere.
It was like the honeymoon bridge.
The romantic interplay that we were having wasn't the real game. It was a version invented for two friends so they can get some practice and pass the time divertingly while they wait in the station for their train to arrive. - Rules of Civility

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Leap Year List #3

Learn how to make a cake and/or cupcakes from scratch. Tonight was my first attempt of many. I want to figure out how to make the perfect white cupcake.  The next part will be how to make it pretty...but one thing at a time. There is tools and frosting to tackle before that happens.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Adventures in domesticating

I sewed my first pillow with out help on the sewing machine. The only thing that didn't work was the back lever so I got creative and flipped the fabric all the way around and ran it back over.

One Eyed Cat [live in HD] - Jenny & Tyler


Sunday, January 22, 2012

At Last-- Etta James

I have a secret list and this song is on it. It has been one of my favorites since I heard it on a mixed CD in high school.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Leap Year List #1

It is time for a Leap Year List. Honda, I have to thank you and the CR-V that I also want...but maybe that will be added later.

Here is to the first!

Never settle for anything less then butterflies

Monday, January 16, 2012

Random Weekend Adventures

Milwaukee Public Market-
Coffee and Spices
Over this past year I have had some great "random adventures" to Milwaukee due to my friends amazing radar (research).  I figured I shouldn't be the only one to have all of the fun so I'm sending them out to the Blogosphere where hopefully you will enjoy them too!

Jackalope lounj-
Bloody Marys and a game
This weekends adventure started out at the Public Market. I wanted to get out of our little town and it's one of my favorite places to go and walk around. I grabbed a coffee and some new spices while I was there. Then not ready to go home we walked around the Third Ward. I checked out a few of the girly stores Broadway Paper and Anthropologie and them we headed over to Jackalope lounj (yes that is how it is spelled) to watch the game and drank a bloody Mary that was a meal in itself. It's inside Wicked Hop with really cool artwork. Needless to say and man can get his jewels back in this place. Our type of adventure could not be complete without a hole in the wall bar.  Heading back south we ran into Franky's Newport Lounge. Make sure you say hi and ask the owner to tell you the story about the mural on the wall. By the way you will be shocked at the amount on your bill.  You could stay here all day and be just fine. From the padding on the bar to the atmosphere, this was a great little place to find.
Franky's Newport Lounge- inexpensive
drinks and a great crowd for a Saturday afternoon
G Groppi Food Market-
Craft Beer in the back
We were already in the Bayview area and there was a market my friend wanted to check out. Needless to say, we left a few hours later. The food selection is great, but the gem is through the door in the back that opens up into their meat counter, beer, wine and bar area.  The bartender knew his brews and my wallet was much lighter then when I walked in the door. On Saturday they do tastings from 2-4. G Groppi Food Market might have me cheating on my local Italian market....

I hope you enjoyed my little adventure through the Historic Third Ward and Bayview!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving on is hard

It's been six years since I walked away from my dirty little secret. My embarrassment, my shame, and my silence.  Who wants to date a girl with my baggage. How would you even begin to tell the story? No guy wants to listen and actually understand.  They don't want to know that one of their own can be "that way." How do you even begin? Please don't ask why I love adventure so much. It means that I can't be contained in one space and not aloud to leave. Don't ask why I love music. It's my escape, they can speak what I really feel, they often tell my story that I have never fully actually told to anyone, not even my best friend. Why is sex and love never combined? Giving my heart away to a friend is easy. I can give them everything and I do. Giving my heart away to a lover takes a courage that I have not had since.  The hardest part of it all is I want love. I want love so bad again I can finally open up that bag I have been carrying and feel again. It only took six years and a few states away of distance to finally feel safe enough to try again. 

The real scary part is trying again. I have had six years of guaranteed men who in the end will not love me. They are great in bed, but not after my heart. If they were after my heart I dumped them on the spot. The poor fellas never had a chance. If I did fall for them, they would never be able to commit for they had their own baggage. It was a perfect storm and my pheromones have a tendency to pick the ones that are unable to stay the long haul. 

It brings me to my next leg of my life long journey. I think that having the experience has granted me the opportunity to move on. I have enlisted my sister to be my judge.  I have the next few weeks to get it together and then I'm to be open.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The sweetest gesture with a lamp

My mom was moving things around in her bedroom and had placed this lamp on the bed. The lamp has been in our family since my great grandma was a young girl. She passed it down to my mom soon after we moved into our farm house about 20 years ago. Mom had gone into her closet to put some clothes away and that's when she heard the crash. The base of the lamp was heavy and it made the lamp slide off the bed. We all heard the crash, and Dad was first on the scene. Mom was upset picking up the pieces of the shattered glass and any attempt to help was met with a cold silence. She took the lamp and all of the pieces and placed them outside in the trash. We all felt awful. My mom was really close to her grandma and always took special care of the lamp. Tonight Dad sent us a text with the lamp restored. He had found a new globe, hired an artist to replicate the floral design, and then had it reassembled at the lamp shop in town. Needless to say my mom was really surprises! Dumpster diving can be very romantic!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let's make it hot

I'm jumping back on the band wagon. I have 3 months to make the age of 31 hot! Since I no longer can afford a trainer that instantly changes my body, or the monthly gym membership, I have "hired" the online version. I can afford it since I didn't renew my online dating profile for the next month. 2012 is all about choices.  Last year was all about new experiences.  Since I have given myself a year to make a decision of where to go next in life and what I really want out of life, I might as well start on prioritizing with my health!

2012 I am ready!

Cheers to a great end of 2011 and the beginning of a New Year with endless possibilities and an open book. I'm excited for the chapters to be written!